
Fantasy Spring Text Effect

This tutorial will show you how to create a simple brush, then modify its settings, in order to create a nice fresh fantasy spring text effect.

The Final Result

Tutorial Details

  • Software Used : Photoshop
  • Version : CS5 Extended
  • Time : 0:45 – 1:15


Step 1

We will start by creating the brush. So create a new 230 x 230 document, and use the Ellipse Tool to create a circle that fits within the document.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 1

Double click the circle’s layer to apply a Gradient Overlay effect:

– Gradient Overlay

  • Style : Radial
  • Scale : 120%
  • Click the Gradient box to create the gradient
Fantasy spring Text Effect step 1

You will need 3 colors to create the Gradient (you can add the colors by clicking under the gradient bar to create Color Stops): #e9e9e9 to the very left, #636363 to the very right, and #b3b3b3 in between. Set middle color’s Location to 60%.
(You can assign the value after you click the Color Stop).

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 1

When you click the #b3b3b3 color stop, two Midpoints will appear, one to its left, and another one to its right. click the Midpoint to the right, and change its Location to 55%.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 1

Then, change the Location of the Midpoint to the left to 50%.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 1

Now that the gradient is finished, click OK to get out of the Gradient Editor, and while the Layer Layer Style box is still open, click the circle to move the Gradient around, until you get a result similar to the one below:

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 1

When you’re happy with the result, hit OK. Then go to Edit > Define Brush Preset, and type in a name for the brush.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 1

Step 2

Create a new 1024 x 768 px document. Set the Foreground color to #a6a301, and the Background color to #486024, then, create a Radial Gradient from the center of the document to one of the corners.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 2

Place the Pip Paper texture on top of the Background, then go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, and change the Saturation to -100.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 2

Change the layer’s Blend Mode to Sof Light.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 2

Click the New Adjustment Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel, and choose Hue/Saturation.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 2

Change the Hue value to -10, and the Saturation value to -66.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 2

Open the Monster texture and place it on top of all layers, then change its Blend Mode to Multiply. And we’re done with the Background!

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 2

Step 3

Create the text using the color #6f500c. The font used is Brie Light and the Size is 250 px. You might need to change the Leading value if there are multiple lines, and the Tracking value to avoid overlapping. (Found in the Character Panel ‘Window > Character’).

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 3

Double click the text layer to apply a Drop Shadow effect:

– Drop Shadow

  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle : -36
  • Distance : 18
  • Spread : 15
  • Size : 35
Fantasy spring Text Effect step 3

The text should have more depth.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 3

Step 4

Open the Brush panel (Window > Brush),to modify the Settings of the Brush tip created in the first step as below:

Brush Tip Shape

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 4

Shape Dynamics

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 4


Fantasy spring Text Effect step 4

Color Dynamics

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 4

* You can play around with the values if you like, especially if you are using a different font or font size.

Step 5

Back to the original document, right click the text layer, and choose Create Work Path.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 5

Set the Foreground color to #a7a400 and the Background color to #5a5919, and pick the Direct Selection Tool. Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it Green.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 5

Right click the work path, and choose Stroke Path.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 5

Choose Brush from the Tool drop down menu, and make sure that the Simulate Pressure box is un-checked.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 5

This will stroke the path with a nice leaves-like stroke.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 5

Step 6

Pick the Spatter 27 pixels brush, and modify its Settings as below:

Brush tip Shape

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 6

Shape Dynamics

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 6


Fantasy spring Text Effect step 6

Color Dynamics

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 6

Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it Roses. Set the Foreground color to #f49e9c and the Background color to #df0024. Repeat the Stroke Path process to stroke the path with the new brush.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 6

Change the Roses layer’s Blend Mode to Color Dodge, this will give an illusion of roses spread all over the green leaves.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 6

Step 7

Load the Sparkles brush tip. Create a new layer right below the text layer and call it Sparkles, and set the Foreground color to #fef99d.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 7

Again, stroke the path with this Sparkles brush. this will add a more fantasy-like feel to the effect.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 7

Use the Eraser Tool to get rid of any extra stuff. Just use a soft round brush with whatever size is suitable, and clear any scattered spots from any layer.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 7

Step 8

The last thing we’re going to do is add a simple green illumination behind the text. So set the Foreground color to #a7a400 once again, then create a new layer under the Sparkles layer and call it GreenBG. Use a big soft round brush to paint randomly around the text. Do not cover much of the background though.

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 8
Fantasy spring Text Effect step 8

Change the GreenBG layer’s Blend Mode to Overlay. And we’re done!

Fantasy spring Text Effect step 8

This is the Final Result once again.

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