
Simple Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials Archive

Dripping Honey on Toast Text Effect

What’s better than honey and toast? Well, honey on toast 😉 ! This tutorial

Embossed Metal Tag Text Effect

This tutorial is a quick easy one, that will show you how you can

Striped Fuzzy Text Effect

If you’re a fan of the fuzzy/fluffy stuff, you’ll like this text effect. It

Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect

This is another festive holidays-inspired text effect tutorial, that explains how to use Photoshop’s

Glittering Red and Melting Ice Text Effect

This tutorial will explain how to use multiple Layer Styles to create a velvety

Snowy Festive Text Effect

This tutorial will show you how to use a couple of layer styles, different

Kiwi-Inspired Text Effect

Kiwi is a delicious, exotic, and good lookin’ fruit! Its textures and colors are

Note Cards Text Effect

This tutorial will show you a really simple way to create a bunch of

Paint Outliner Inspired Text Effect

This tutorial will show you how to create a basic paint outliner effect, using

Vintage Sparkly Sticker Inspired Text Effect

So if you’re an 80s or 90s kid, you must have been exposed to

Colorful Sparkling Glass Text Effect

This is a super easy tutorial that will show you how to use basic

Elegant Glossy Gold Text Effect

This tutorial will show you an easy way to create a luxurious super glossy

Vintage Tiles Text Effect

This tutorial will show you how to create some letters, convert them to shapes,

Simple Bokeh Text Effect

Bokeh, in Photography, is a word that describes “the way the lens renders out-of-focus

Colorful Textured Plastic Text Effect

This tutorial is a retro stationery inspired one. It will explain an easy way